Blade of the Immortal is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiroaki Samura. It was serialized in Kodansha's Monthly Afternoon from June 1993 to December 2012. The series is set in Japan during the mid-Tokugawa Shogunate period and follows the cursed samurai Manji, who must kill 1,000 evil men to regain his mortality. Blade of the Immortal has received multiple adaptations, including an anime television series and a live-action film. The manga has sold over 7.5 million copies worldwide. The story revolves around Manji, a skilled rōnin who becomes immortal after being cursed by an 800-year-old nun. He joins forces with a young girl named Rin Asano to avenge the death of her parents and stop the Ittō-ryū, a group of master swordsmen led by Anotsu Kagehisa. Along the way, they encounter the Mugai-ryū, a mysterious group with similar motives. Blade of the Immortal combines action, adventure, and historical elements to create a unique and captivating story.