Bunny Drop is a Japanese manga series by Yumi Unita. The story follows a thirty-year-old man named Daikichi who becomes the guardian of Rin, the six-year-old illegitimate daughter of his grandfather. Despite being single and inexperienced in parenting, Daikichi decides to take care of Rin, facing the challenges of being a single parent. The first half of the series focuses on Daikichi's perspective and struggles in raising Rin, while the latter half explores Rin's journey as a high school student and her feelings for a boy named Kouki. Bunny Drop was serialized in Feel Young magazine from October 2005 to April 2011, and it has been licensed for English release by Yen Press. The series also received an anime adaptation and a live-action film. Bunny Drop is praised for its heartfelt drama, slice-of-life comedy, and the beautiful relationship between Daikichi and Rin.