Café Kichijouji de is a manga written by Yuki Miyamoto and illustrated by Kyoko Negishi. The story surrounds five bishōnen and their rather unlucky manager as they go about their daily routine at their café. It was originally a best-selling drama CD series, with 9 CDs released so far. Unlike many other manga, there is no central or linear plotline to the series. Instead, it is made up of individual stories divided by shorter stories called Chichai. The drama CDs were adapted into a live-action drama with 64 episodes airing on TV Tokyo from September 29, 2008, to December 26, 2008. Some notable changes were made in the live-action adaptation, such as the gender change of the character Mitaka Yuichi from a male shop owner to a female shop owner, and the age difference between the actor playing Taro and the character's original age.