Clamp School Detectives


Clamp School Detectives is a manga series by Clamp that follows the adventures of the Elementary School Student Board in their attempt to improve the lives of the female population of Clamp School. The series was serialized in Kadokawa Shoten's Monthly Asuka manga magazine from January 1992 to October 1993 and was adapted into a 26-episode anime series that aired from May 3, 1997, to October 25, 1997. The manga has been released in English in three volumes by Tokyopop and is currently available on Kindle through Viz Media. The anime has been licensed and released by Bandai Entertainment and Maiden Japan. It has also been translated and dubbed into English by Animax and broadcasted in Southeast Asia and India. The anime consists of episodic cases and was released on VHS, LD, and DVD. Bandai Entertainment re-released it on DVD with an English dub produced by Coastal Studios, and Maiden Japan re-released it on DVD in 2016.