Hana-Kimi: For You in Full Blossom is a shōjo manga series written by Hisaya Nakajo. The series centers on Mizuki Ashiya, a Japanese girl who becomes infatuated with high jump competitor Izumi Sano. Mizuki disguises herself as a boy and transfers to the all-boys Osaka Gakuen to attend the same school as Sano. The story follows Mizuki's attempts to keep her secret and navigate the different dormitories and rivalries at the school. The manga series was serialized in Hakusensha's Hana to Yume magazine from 1996 to 2004, with 23 volumes published. It was also released in English by Viz Media. The series has been adapted into several live-television dramas and has sold over 17 million copies in Japan. Critics have praised Mizuki's character and the art style of the manga.