MPD Psycho, short for Multiple Personality Detective Psycho (Japanese: 多重人格探偵サイコ, Hepburn: Tajū-Jinkaku Tantei Saiko), is a manga series written by Eiji Ōtsuka and illustrated by Shou Tajima, published by Kadokawa Shoten from 1997 to 2016. The series follows a police detective suffering from multiple personality disorder. MPD Psycho was adapted as a live action television miniseries in 2000, directed by Takashi Miike. Yôsuke Kobayashi is a detective and is on the case of a serial killer who dismembers his victims. The killer later sends Yôsuke's girlfriend dismembered but kept alive.[1] Yôsuke hunts down the killer and due to the events, loses his sanity and develops dissociative identity di....