Shout Out Loud!


Shout out Loud! (Japanese: 叫んでやるぜ!, Hepburn: Sakende Yaruze!) is a yaoi manga series created by Satosumi Takaguchi. It was originally serialized in the shōjo magazine Monthly Asuka. The story revolves around Shino Hisae, a thirty-five-year-old yaoi anime voice actor, who despite his age still looks like a teenager. Due to his looks, he is often subject to advances from his fellow co-workers Tenryu-san and Mizusawa-kun. Not only does he have to deal with these advances but also has drama and tension at home with his seventeen-year-old son Hisae Nakaya who also is just discovering his homosexuality. This series may be categorized as a yaoi but it has less sexual contact that other series in the....