Sorcerer Hunters


Sorcerer Hunters (爆れつハンター, Bakuretsu Hantā) is a Japanese light novel and manga series, written by Satoru Akahori and illustrated by Ray Omishi. Akahori and Omishi also published Sorcerer Hunters Special, a one-volume story set sometime after the series' conclusion. In the United States the manga was serialized in MixxZine, replacing Ice Blade, which had ended.[2] Sorcerer Hunters is set on the Spooner Continent, where the populace is divided into two groups: the ordinary people, called the Parsoners, and the magic users, the Sorcerers. Marked by the triangles on their foreheads, many Sorcerers dominate, exploit, torment, murder, and enslave the Parsoners of the Spooner Continent. The Sorcere....